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Quick Fuel Logo

Quick Fuel for Transporting liquids, liquid gas and chemicals

A Message from the CEO

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Quick Fuel. We are proud to be the first logistics company to transport and distribute fuel in Kuwait with a new, modern concept. Quick Fuel operates in accordance with the highest standards of health and safety, while keeping up with the latest technological innovations to transport you to a new world of refuelling services which are tailored to your needs. The Quick Fuel trademark was proudly founded by an ambitious group of skilled and experienced Kuwaiti entrepreneurs who have confidence in their ability to establish and create value-added services in the field of transporting and distributing fuel in the country, and to elevate these services to an international level in service to their country and its people. Quick Fuel aims at being a leading company and a major player in providing logistic services in the sector of fuel transport and distribution both nationally and regionally via offering a wide array of integrated, competitive services which are able to provide logistic solutions characterised by innovation, diversity, cohesion and trust.

Quick Fuel has laid its vision to become among the pioneers of logistic services providers in the fuel sector both nationally and regionally. The company seeks to hire and develop a group of leading national cadres and professional, qualified service operators. In addition, Quick Fuel aims to stay abreast of the latest technological innovations as well as the highest international health-and-safety standards in its operations to facilitate access to its services for citizens and residents in a manner that reflects its team’s ambitions to utilise the best applications and modern technologies in order to boost and enhance efficiency and to offer the latest in this domain. At Quick Fuel, we believe that development goes hand in hand with enhancing governance in order to remain apt and compliant with international standards.

We dedicate our efforts to provide you with the special services you deserve in the field of fuel transport for personal and commercial purposes and to explore new horizons of additional services that fulfil your needs. We invite you to get to know us more, and to share our passion to elevate the logistic services of the fuel transport sector in our beloved Kuwait to their full potential.

Dots and lines stylish image
Khaldoun Al Adawi's image.

About Us

Quick Fuel is a Kuwaiti company founded in 2022 with the aim of providing professional services which cater for the requirements of different business sectors in the areas of transporting liquids, liquid gases and chemicals as well as sewage management. In addition, Quick Fuel is the first company to usher in the service of fuel delivery for individual and corporate customers in Kuwait. Through the adoption of the latest technologies and work methodologies, and by utilising our fleet of fuel trucks, sewage, oil and vacuum tankers; our team strives to provide our customers with cost-efficient services of the highest quality.


To offer modern, professional and cost-efficient services to corporates and individuals in the areas of fuel delivery; transportation of liquids, liquid gases and chemicals; as well as sewage management.


To make the Quick Fuel brand synonymous with quality, trust and convenience.

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Fuel Delivery

Quick Fuel is proud to be the first company to introduce fuel delivery services to our beloved state of Kuwait. Our individual customers can have their vehicles refuelled from the convenience of their homes or workplaces by using our user-friendly mobile application. The app can support multiple vehicles and addresses, and will enable our customers to benefit from additional new services in the future.

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Sludge Removal

Using our fleet of oil and vacuum tankers, our team of experienced professionals are ready to perform sludge cleaning and removal for oil companies, fuel stations and any other businesses which require this service.

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Sewage Cleaning and Unblocking

Our state-of-the-art jetters and vacuum trucks are ready to help our customers get rid of all drainage and sewage problems.